Challenging ourselves to challenge others from Dean Rogers

Questions and observations in a post-rational world

Who I am
For over 25 years, I've been a successful employment mediator, negotiator and problem solver. I have a lot of experience on both sides of the negotiating table - developing and implementing strategies that shift organisational culture; and representing collective and individual interests of staff.
I've worked with more than 50 UK public sectors employers and represented thousands of civil servants, teachers and wider public servants and contractors in places ranging from our National Museums to the prison and probation service, great departments to state to small charities and not-for-profit SME's.
I'm currently working for Napo in the Justice sector. I'm also a board member of LSx, a sustainability charity. These provide the back drop to my articles. I also occasionally write about my other passions - family, internationalism, handball and rugby league, ukulele's, storytelling and making sense of our post-rational world.
Why I do this
Mostly as an exercise to test my own thinking and ideas - the process of writing helping me organise, test and edit my thoughts. Having gone to the effort, I might as well share them and see what others think.
However, sometimes I'm motivated by sharing and stetching a conversation. Billy Bragg sings,"A poet with all the answers has never yet been built". None of us have all the answers and if we've learned anything in the last decade it's that those who claim to hold all the truth are the ones to avoid and ignore. But it is even more important, when so little is certain, to ask the questions and broaden discussion as widely as possible.
What I can do for you
I'm an employee relation and HR expert and am always happy to come and talk to people about what I've learned and the challenges we face. I can also help when you or your organisation needs to shift the culture and find different or new ways of working, by identifying the real emotional barriers to taking staff with you. Or if your organisation is blocked in I can help you look up and find the pathway through the problems by assessing where all the different barriers are anchored and how to shift them along.
Or I may just help you look at a problem differently, help you find a link you hadn't seen. Or failing that I may just amuse, or frustrate or annoy you enough to join in one of the conversations.